· Teaching staff = Mr McClure, Mrs Hanna & Miss Humphries.
· Teaching time = 2 hours (in Years 8-9) & 1 hour 30mins (Year 10) per week.
· Locations = M3, R17 & R13.
Year 8
- Who is God and who am I?
- The Bible
- Christmas
- Palestine at the time of Jesus
- Easter
- Jesus’ Followers
Year 9
- Moses
- Judaism
- Jesus’ Parables
- Jesus’ Miracles
- Islam
Year 10
- Ethics: Right and Wrong, War, Saviour Siblings, Prejudice and Discrimination
- The Church
- Saint Patrick
- The Existence of God, Creation and Stewardship
· Teaching staff = Mr McClure, Mrs Hanna, Mrs Cregan & Miss Humphries.
· Teaching time = 2 hours per week.
· Locations = M3, R17, R5 & R13.
· Exam board - CCEA.
· NB: 100% Exam.
· Subject overview: https://ccea.org.uk/downloads/docs/Support/Student%20Guidance/2023/Student%20Guide_0.PDF
Year 11 – Christianity through a Study of Matthew’s Gospel (50%)
The Identity of Jesus
The Kingdom of God
The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
Year 12 – An Introduction to Christian Ethics (50%)
Personal and Family Issues
Matters of Life and Death: Abortion, Euthanasia, Punishment
Developments in Bio-Ethics
Modern Warfare
Contemporary Issues in Christianity
OCN RE (For pupils who have chosen Occupational Studies)
· NB: Two-year non-exam class
· ‘Pass/Fail’ outcome (Equivalent to a Grade ‘B’)
· Teaching staff = Mrs Hanna & Mrs Cregan.
· Teaching time = 1 hour 30 minutes per week.
· Locations = R17 & R23.
Topics include:
Charity and Religious Charities.
Exploring Personal Identity and Faith.
Exploring Religious Traditions within Own Community.
Life and Death Issues.
Life of a Famous Person of Faith.
Marriage and Divorce.
Prejudice and Reconciliation.
World Faith.