Safeguarding here at MHS

Our school is a happy and caring community which believes in traditional values. We aim to make our pupils feel a sense of belonging and to develop personal qualities of tolerance, mutual respect, courtesy, hard work, and integrity.
At Markethill High School the welfare of the child is paramount. We have a responsibility for the safeguarding and child protection of the children in our care and we will carry out this duty by providing a caring, supportive, and safe environment. All staff, teaching and non-teaching are aware of the signs of possible abuse and know the procedures to be followed.
Our Child Protection Policy aims to support the child’s development in ways which will foster security, confidence, and independence. It is central to the well-being of the pupils and is seen as an intrinsic part of all aspects of the curriculum.
The Safeguarding Team is made up of the following key stakeholders:
Chairman of the Board of Governors: Mr T Lockhart
Designated Governor for Child Protection: Mr G Mahood
Principal: Mr C Berry
Vice Principal: Mrs S Hargan
Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs SL Gilmore
Deputy Designated Teachers:
Miss G Poole
Miss L McCullough
Mrs J Cregan
If you have a Child Protection Concern, please contact:
Mrs SL Gilmore - Designated Teacher for Child Protection